Francesco Tornabene
Assistant professor
University of Bologna
Francesco Tornabene was born in Bologna, January 13, 1978. Degree in
Mechanical Engineering (Course of Studies in Structural Mechanics) at the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna on 23/07/2003. PhD in Structural Mechanics at the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna on 31/05/2007. Research Activities in collaboration with Foreign and National University Professors. Author of the 11 books. Some of them entitled: Meccanica delle Strutture a Guscio in Materiale Composito. Il metodo Generalizzato di Quadratura Differenziale; Mechanics of Laminated Composite Doubly-Curved Shell Structures.
The Generalized Differential Quadrature Method and the Strong Formulation Finite Element Method, 2014; Laminated Composite Doubly-Curved Shell Structures I. Differential Geometry. Higher-Order Structural Theories, 2016; Laminated Composite Doubly-Curved Shell Structures II. Differential and Integral Quadrature. Strong Formulation Finite Element Method, 2016. Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journals: Journal of Engineering, International Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences, Composite Structures, Technologies, Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics, Journal of Composites Science, Advanced Materials and Technologies, Heliyon, International Scholarly Research Notices, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, ISRN Mechanical Engineering, Journal of Computational Engineering, Advances in Aircraft and Spacecraft Science. Editor-in-Chief of the International Journals: Curved and Layered Structures, Journal of Composites Science. Author of more than one hundred and ninety research papers since 2004. Assistant Professor at the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna form 2 April 2023 to September 2019. Assistant Professor at the University of Salento form 10 September 2022 to now. He receives habilitations as Full and Associate Professor in Area 08/B2 (Structural Mechanics) and as Associate Professor in Area 09/A1 (Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering and Naval Architecture). His research focuses on Structural Mechanics and Computational Mechanics.